Hi, me again. With a quick report on my classes.
Mum and Dad say I am very good and did everything I was told and I didn't jump on anybody! There were five other pals there with their owners and we had to walk around and say 'hello' to each other and if we did this nice and calmly we all got a treat. The first week I was in the top section as I could sit and lie down on command. We learned how to walk to heel and the lady who was the trainer took me from Mum to demonstrate. She held a nice piece of smelly Stilton cheese that Mum had taken as a treat and I kept my eye on that as we walked round. I stuck to her side like glue, I could taste that cheese before I got it. We only had one problem with the cheese, it was in a plastic bag in Mum's pocket and it sort of melted, so it got a bit more smelly and crumbly before the lesson was over. We have practiced a lot at home and I am quite good at that now.
The second week Dad took me. Again I was very good, we had to walk between cones and not knock them over. I was quicker by three whole seconds. I did not do so well with a recall. They had lots of nice interesting things lying all over on the floor, I picked up a fluffy toy instead of going straight to Dad and then he ran out of the door. I thought he was leaving me and I wasn't having any of that, so I chased him. Phew, I'm glad I caught him quickly.
This is me waiting for the start of our class.
After we had finished we went to the pub for a drink.
We sat outside and relaxed and watched the world go by.
Wonder what we will do at our next class?